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People C’mon, Wherever You May Roam

C’mon people, people c’mon Walk with me together Into things unknown Into tribal sunrise hanging high above Valleys of your wisdom Mountains...

Thursday, August 15, 2024

"The Rainbow Foreigner" (2019)

Our hero is a Foreigner everywhere he goes. His freewheeling spirit is hungry, and his halo is of rainbows. He wakes up one day in THE LAND OF ETERNAL TWILIGHT, surprised by the company of women and angels. They call his name through the void, and he gets inspired to call back. One of the women approaches him. She drops a whirlwind veil off of her eyes and lets the foreigner see. The land looks like home. The woman seems friendly. The weather is fine, and the wine tastes spectacular. But after a few sips, the foreigner gets angry at the woman, because she's too much honey for his harsh tastes, and she couldn't replace his idealistic love from the outside of the Eternal Twilight. So, he exclaims BUT YOU'RE NOT HER, AND NEVER WILL BE! And she vanishes complete with the realization. The rest of the vision spirals into oblivion. Yes, the foreigner is a Rebel. THE RAINBOW FOREIGNER / REBEL OF UTOPIA. He has seen through the absolute reality, and the initiate's shock of death and birth. He now rebels against everything the Eternal Twilight stands for, he no longer wants himself a part of this land, but cannot flee it, through birth, death, sex, or sleep. So, he begins to wander in the CREATION OF THE TWILIGHT, a place where creatures like ones that welcomed him here are perceived enemy of the night, and creatures like him are welcome. In the creation, only darkness, and a dim candle of the double moons shines a path through the primal wilderness. There is a chance to escape, and more wine seems to be the solution. So, our hero falls asleep surrounded by visions of Al-Ghoul. They are demonic, but friendly, not honey friendly, and offer a way out of the waste with a single handshake. Our hero awakes again. It is his first awakening outside of Eternal Twilight. He wakes up and finds some LIEBFRAUMILCH IN THE MORNING. It is peace, it is earthly wine, it is wine and peace he got accustomed to. Still a foreigner, but free from the world of twilight, from the endless re-awakenings in a dreammare. He finds a tower and  a set of stairs leading to the mountains on the horizon, the MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS, mountains of his madness. He starts to climb the tower, bold in plastic colors. Soon he finds ancient Mayan cities, full of growth, fruit, and cheer, before the jungle ruin took over the pastel dream. He climbs on and on through the stairs, and the mountains turn out to be pyramids. The hero understands he has gone BEHIND THE VEIL OF ATLANTIS. There are no guards, no seraphs, no horses, no visions. There is pure universal bliss, and bliss alone. Our traveler sits on top of one of the pyramids and starts contemplating the morning. The morning is cloudless, yet violet, violent, but serene. It is home. Our hero understands he is also THE CIPKONAUT, for he has gone beyond the valleys of sex and law. Desire is fruitless, so is compassion. They are rendered obsolete by pure space, shining above the foreigner like a curse. He has been chosen to carry the message and be the message. Carrying messages is easy, he thought to himself. But being the message can get you into trouble. He thinks of all the women and forsakes them. He then finds an ancient scripture in the wooden waste of flags, in harsh concrete it says OMNI. Four letters of wisdom to be found only on top of the Universe. But what do they mean? But is it the top of the Universe? Or another illusion of mind back from the Eternal Twilight? He is unsure. So the paradise vanishes. The paradise is always lost. Only the MEADOWPIPER sings, and our hero awakes again. He did not realize he was dreaming, the meadow is calm and there is no trace left of the whole journey. Pain and joy, love and laughter, tears, and death, and birth are rendered obsolete. Eden is bare. Space is indifferent. Who once rebeled against Utopia will forever be banished, waving the flag of Rainbows, being a Foreigner everywhere he goes.

Music for electric guitar, bass guitar, synthesizer, percussion, and drum machine.
Improvised and recorded by Adam Majdecki-Janicki.
Album artwork: Rainbows from Scheuchzer's Physica Sacra (1731)

Inspired by Amon Düül, Popol Vuh, Achim Reichel, Tangerine Dream, Yuri Morozov, Angus MacLise.

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